I honestly and truly didn't think it had been that long between blog posts. The work days drag to no end with the craziness that has ensued. The weekends are spent reacclimating myself with reading, and I have definitely been enjoying that. I had forgotten the rush of anticipation, the disappointment of having to put the book down, and the lives of the characters becoming real and 3 dimensional.
My husband sort of gets it, and for that I'm eternally grateful. I can't imagine marrying someone who doesn't share at least a small affinity for the written word, and he definitely does. While not a voracious reader, he does invest himself in the characters and become a part of their world.
On a husband note: he had a bad dream the other day. I was laying on the couch reading, and suddenly he came down the stairs stark naked and in a daze, knelt before me, and hugged tightly and for a long time. He had been starting a cold the night before so I though he was just sick, but when he finally sat up he had tears pouring down his face!! I asked him what was wrong and he had dreamed that I had died, and he had to go clean out my desk at work!!! There have been many a time over the last couple of years that I have accused him of being so emotionally withdrawn that even my death would barely rattle him, and I think on some level he may have been concerned that may have some truth. But the first thing he said to me after, "You're alive!" is, "See, your death would affect me!!!!!".
Good to know!
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